Commit to creating your Ideal Life today! 
Learn how this workshop has helped over 33,000 people to date achieve their true potential...
Why You Should Join Us:
Next Online Workshop: Apr 20th 2019
This powerful full day workshop is about taking some time & space for yourself to get crystal clear on what you want your Ideal Life to look like. It is a time to look inward as you reflect on the “Ideal You” in all areas of your life. The Hall’s unique gifts and insights will guide you to find what it is that you want to create and have happen in your life.

Ideal LifeVision is about assisting individuals in discovering how to manifest their ideal life using their own personal recorded LifeVision. This revolutionary method of goal setting uses a holistic approach that doesn’t focus on just one aspect of life, but creates synergy between personal and professional lives. Manifest the “ideal you” living your “ideal life” using a LifeVision

Tiffany Peterson
The Lighthouse Principles Coaching

“Ideal LifeVision is my very favorite goal setting and more importantly, goal achieving tool to support me as I manifest my dreams. Its unique, easy-to-implement process is one of a kind!… The best part is, it’s working! I have achieved and manifested many key goals – everything from growing my own speaking & coaching business, to tripling my income, to attracting amazing and fulfilling relationships and connections.”

Cherie Burton
Presidential Diamond, doTERRA International

“… Ideal LifeVision training has been amazing for my doTERRA team. More personally, for me! When I was first introduced to it, I’d been a doTERRA Diamond for some time, but was lacking in clarity…clarity in how have greater influence, inspire my leaders and balance family and business. After her training and doing the work she suggested, I had more insight into my vision, business, family and LIFE than ever. Within 4 months of writing and recording my doTERRA LifeVision, we went Blue Diamond, our income has doubled, and all of my front line leaders became completely focused on becoming Diamonds themselves. Our family is more in balance than ever, in fact, a new baby, family service mission and dream home has shown up! Every doTERRA builder who wants to be successful absolutely needs to create a LifeVision! It is one of the most powerful tools I know for creating results.”

Richard Worthington
Multimillion dollar earner, NuSkin

“… In network marketing to be successful it all starts a with powerful why; knowing exactly what you want. Nothing was ever created without a clear vision and Ideal Life Vision will help anyone achieve that. Set yourself and your business up for greater growth by taking part in this life changing program. I know I have and it has done amazing things for me.”

Kimber King
Million Dollar Earner, Isagenix

“…Ideal Life Vision has truly impacted my business and life more than I could have imagined! I do believe there are two components of success and they are belief and taking action. ILV helps you create incredible faith which helps you propel your confidence to take action. It helped me get absolute clarity and focus on my goals and the next steps I need to take to get to the next level in my business and relationships. In the past, I have pretty much just let goals and dreams for my life rattle around in my brain and off and on write them down and even do visual aids (like vision boards) which were truly vague and unfocused. ILV helped me take that step beyond where it all came together to truly be able to create my ideal life!”
Next Online Workshop: Apr 20th 2019
Humanitarian Projects Completed!
You'll love to know that $50 of your purchase is sent directly to the Global LifeVision charity to support impoverished people in India and Africa.
Students Enrolled 
To Date!
The Ideal LifeVision workshop has impacted tens of thousands of people. We want YOU to be the next person to attract your ideal life into reality.
Your Mentors: Matt & Seantay Hall
Seantay Hall has been using the ILV process for almost 10 years. 

For the last 6 years she has been an ILV coach helping others tap into their full potential and breakthrough their limiting beliefs!

Matt & Seantay are Diamond leaders and multiple six-figure earners in their company.
For any questions please contact
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